The Eagle Has Landed: Apollo 11 - 45 Years Later - fourth, the last edition

The Eagle Has Landed: Apollo 11 - 45 Years Later - fourth, the last
edition, of the new arrangement
Nine new artists - Podkowa Lesna -

on behalf of the artists participating In the exhibition  we cordially
invite you to the opening
curator: Wojciech Różyński
June 1oth, 2016
At 7 p. m
exhibition open until September 16th

The Eagle Has Landed: Apollo 11 - 45 Years Later - Czwarta, ostatnia
edycja, w nowej aranżacji
Dziewięciu nowych artystów - Podkowa Lesna -

serdecznie zapraszamy na
10 czerwca 2016 godz. 19:00
wystawa czynna do 16 września

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